Import and Export Data | Form Data Export Feature | Formstack

Quickly and easily import and export form data

Share and collaborate on your data with our form builder's flexible data import and export tools.

Send your data where you need it

Simplify the way you manage and share information with our versatile data import and export tools. Import data and store it in our secure database, share data through email or a simple link, or export it to an outside format for quick analysis.

Import and export data with ease

Formstack Forms makes it simple to manage your data through data imports, data exports, and helpful data sharing tools.


Easily import and export data with a few clicks. No complicated steps, coding, or tech knowledge needed!


Reduce data entry with automated data exports. Export submissions directly to your browser in CSV, Excel, Word, or PDF format.


Use the Advanced PDFs feature to create beautiful, branded PDFs that automatically send after forms are submitted.


Automatically export your form data in the background while working on other tasks within the app.


Access encryption, secure SSL connections, and data centers that meet security requirements for HIPAA, GDPR, and more.


Connect your workflows to 100+ integrations to get your data where you need it, quickly and automatically.

How It Works

Easily manage data

Import Data

Use the Data Import feature to pull form data from a CSV file and import it into the Formstack database. Combine data from multiple forms, create in-depth reports, and organize data in multiple languages.

Export Data

Exporting form data into another format can make information more digestible and provide better insights. Use your exports to review customer feedback, analyze survey results, or compare the success of marketing campaigns, events, and more.

Schedule Exports

Automate your data exports and reduce manual work by scheduling exports to be emailed to you automatically. Easily share form data with your team by scheduling daily, weekly, or monthly exports.

To learn more about exporting and sharing Formstack data, read this post.

Ready to get started?

Learn how our no-code suite of products can help you automate the processes that matter and be more productive.

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